the las t couple of days we have been traveling around without Wi-Fi...we have spent a night at Wal-Mart in butte , we went to a couple of national parks one was big hole where the Indians were over come by the army troups....not a good picture of what the white man did to the Indians..taking their land with contracts that were never kept....
then on to craters of the moon national monument...arrived around 4:30 so we saw a movie and checked out the museum..checked to see if there were any sites available in the park...nothing so we headed on to Hagerman where tomorrow we will check out the Hagerman fossil national park..and there is the Japanese intetment camp we want to also check out....sure has been a busy couple of days..
the temps have also been right up there into the 90's....glad we have some a/c...
alls well and trip is going well.....

as we have traveled thru the country side both in Montana and Idaho we have seen lots of irragiation going on miles and miles of it..not sure where the water is coming from but they sure do irragiate ...we can tell by the gree n lush fields we see along the drive...lots of hay fields which appear are going some where for sale...corn--sugar beets..silos for wheat storage...anyway it is big crop farming going on..
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