yesterday weather report was not the best where we were...we were hearing to be prepared for severe t/storm high winds etc oh the possibilty of a tornado...
luck would have it that we did have high winds and in the middle of the night a t/storm that really didn't last long but it sure sounded like it was rainig very hard out...this happened a couple of times...
this morning when we got up the temps sure were cooler than we have had the last few days...hit the road around 9am and our goal was to get somewhere near houston..we did it ..but at the welcome center we called to see it there was room for us at tthe campground we picked out and was told we could have the last site so we said ok ..then he told us a different way to get there which would cut off at least an we took his advice which paid off..good roads and not much traffic and we probally did save some time...arrived at campground and we were told by the owner that there is alot of construction going on in the area so if anyone is looking for a job this is the area to come...houston unemployment is the lowest in the country less that if you know of anyone looking for a job in the construction trade send them this way...
so today we went from rice/crawfish fields to oil country...sure is quite a difference in the now we are in texas and have about a week and half beforre we have to get up and go to work hahahha...we guess it is time for a change of pace and thinking we can help make a difference in someone else life then that's good....
all's well with us

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