today wed w e spent touring the capital and state museum in albany...we decided that it was about ime we visited our state of course here we are...we sure learnt stuff about the capital we never knew before or if we did we sure forgot it was something we were told in grade school.. and who can remember that far away...
our state capital is the most expensive in the nation that was built (back in those early yrs) and has a million dollar staircase....when teddy rooselvet became gouvenor he stopped all the work on the building becausse it was costing way too there are parts of it that are unfinished but you'd never notice unless it was pointed out to you...
then after the capital we had lunch from one of the food trucks parked out in front of the capital and a delicious luunch it was...roy and carol sprang for lunch as it was a birthday celebration...lar is now 70...finally caught up with me 11 days after i turned 70....
after lunch we headed to the state museum and 4 hrs later we left and didn't see it i guess itmight mean a return trip later on...there sure is alot more to see here and we hardly touched it...
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
I missed both birthdays! Some friend I am. Hope they were happy!