on thursday lar and i went over to the habitat site in the town where we go to church as the churshes in the area are helping with building a habitat house...of course lar and i have been asked to help out.. wonder why???
so anyway our pastor asked to borrow our brush cutter but we said we would go to the neede work..the site needed to be made more presentable to today..saturday as there is to be a ground breaking...yep we plan on attending..and cooking hot dogs after..
right now there is no build schedule as there are 3 other houses that the affilate wants to get completed before starting a new one.right now we are kinda in limbo and think that maybe they won't even get the foundation done till late summer...
the site needs alot of fill done to it in the back but that's not our department...the site was given to habitat and i think the plan is to build 2 houses on it...we don't know alot obout the family and hope to meet them today...
so our life either here or on the road sure is busy...one thing we did do yesterdaty is finish up with the wood cutting for the year..now the back of the barn is full and we kinda figure that we have at least 5 yrs supply a good feeling and besides it is also lie money in the bank..i told lar we are almost getting too old for this...
enjoy the day..

a test to see if i can send messages to us...haha..i can't seem to send comments to some other bloggers...