last night when we took a bike ride around the park we noticed that there was a truck with a sign on it that said film ------ austin, texas and they were putting up a HUGE tent..we thought that maybe someone special was getting married here in the park or that something was going on and we ought to know what it was...
so this afternoon we went for a bike ride and stopped at the sign in office and asked what was going on in the park...they told us on they are making a movie..oh we said yep and it start HARRISNON FORD which perked an interest in of we went on our bire ride and then went donw to the lake where they were filming the movie so we watched for an hr or so...harrison ford was not out doing any acting but his double was and we talked to him (sorry NO pictures of him were allowed)...harrison ford was in his RV and we could see where it was but harrison never came out to say hello to us darn...the name of the movie is 'ENDERS GAME' and is due to come out in is some sorta of alien movie not the kind i really like..oh well..
we were told that alot of films are done here in the state parks here in lousianna cause they get a really BIG tax break (the movie companies) brings in alot of jobs and money so it is a win-win thing..
also tomorrow we are going to go to lunch at louie and the red lady...if you are watchers of diners-drive-in-and dives then you might have seen this on is only a couple of miles from the park why not go i like lunch out even dinner and even breakfast...
i guess this has been an exciting p-lace to stop..where a we..we are in FOUNTAINBLEAU STATE PARK in mandeville, lousianna...we have been here before and e njoyed it as there is a good bike tgrail that goes right thru the park so today we did 15 miles and tomorrow we will take a left and go the other way...
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