we have returned from jamacia and over all the trip was good...the weather was HOT-HOT-HOT-HUMID-HUMID- with some rain in the afternoons and when it did rain it was hard...but we keep cool staying in the ocean or pool and even under some shade when we could find it...
there was a volleyball tournament which we knew about before we left home so we made some t-shirts for our team...'THE ENFIELD RIVER RATS' and our uniforms won first place...the prize was exciting key chains ahahhaahah...one of our members of our team fell and broke both of her wrists all this took place on monday..so she was not a happy camper the rest of the trip..it limited what she could do and even had trouble eating...she still could hold a glass so she could still drink away her pain...(really she only had one or two drinks)...YES the team was very sober when we were playing volleyball..
the resort was large and spread out and there was plenty of things to do while we were there...we found the spa the day before we were to leave and wish we had found it earlier as there was sauna-hot tub-swimming river-cold-warm-hot water to refresh yourself in...
over all it was a good trip but going from hot to cold sure is a shocker
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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