this spring we have had lots of squirrels making pest of themselves in and aournd our house so it has been time to drag out the hav-a-heart trap to see if we can reduce the population....so far we have caught 20 gray squirrels and 3 chipmucks...i'm not so sure i will mention what lar does with them but for some reason they keep on reproducing...
our pheasant also appears daily to fill up on seeds that drop out of the feeder and he is somedays like an alarm clock..wish he would get here later in the morning 5am is a tad tooooo early to be outside our bedroom window squaking...but he has been fun to watch and he now has a name..."philpot"
the garden is growing potatoes have popped up out of the ground...blossoms on the squash-cucumbers-tomatoes---so soon we will be eating out of it...sure like thiose very fresh veggies...this year at christmas lisa and andy gave us onoe of the topsy turvy hanger things so we have some cherry tomatoes planted in it and it is on the back porch...we have several green ones on it already ..waiting for them to turn red so we can eat them...all in all the garden looks good..lawn still needs to be mowed every 4-5 days..like roy says can't wait till the lawn turns brown ahhaha...
least week we saw our first fawns...we were at the dinijng room table and lar says look out there is a deer wtith a fawn on no there's another one so she has twins fun to watch romp around out by the grapes..then a flock of turkeys come thru nthe back yard so i guess there is wildlife on our hill...now if we lived in the city we would be seeing all these creatures so it is fun to watch and enjoy...
life is good!!!!!
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