Monday, April 4, 2011


this morning we were up bright and early because we needed to take the rig to the repair shop to have it's jack fixed...then it was off to breakfast..a treat we like to eat breakfast was a place we could sit and read th local paper and plan our day without anyplace to go to if we was raining and the forecast was for severe t/storms-hail-high winds-tornado possible.....weathder we just aren't used to hearing we drove by ELVIS PRESLEY home where he was born..then off to go to harbour freight one of lar's favorite stores...of course he bought some stuff..

then we got a call that the rig was ready that was around noon or a wee bit after..when we pciked it up it was not raining but we were told by the guy from the campground that works there or may even own it we aren't sure...he said to hurry back to the campground gete set up and go to the bathrooms as there was a good storm on it's we followed directions got back to the c/ground and it started to hail ...and rain...all we did was put the jacks down..didn't even hook up the sewer or electric (we have friends who have friends that had alot of electrical damage to their rig from a t/storm)...we picked up the lap-tops as they have alot of info on them we didn't want to loose...and headed to the front porch right near the bathrooms just in case we needed to go in them..another lady from oklahoma came to also wait out the storm in a safe place...all we seemed to det was heavy rain-good thunder and lighting-which lasted more than an hr so we just sat on the front porch swinging on their swing...we aren't used to these types of conditions but i guess we travel to different parts we need top be that's our exciting day...tomorrow back on the road again all fixed ....

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