WE are now in rockport not to far from chorpus christie...there just aren't any campground very near there so we found one about 20 miles away...yesterday it was rainy-cold all day so what did we do but go do laundry then after we took a driving tour around the city we are in and visited the visitors center for info...also bought some fresh shrimp..
today we went to padre island to get a national park stamp and what a bummer that was...they were in the process of sanding the floors and WOULD NOT LET US IN to get a stamp so in a way i was a tad disappointed by not getting a stamp...(but i guess i can get ove it) i know we were here i just won't have it in my book...
it wsas not a day to be on the beach and even the birds were staying put...we did see some sand hill cranes on our way to the island and lots of waterfowl on the water...some we knew what they were...lots of pintails-canvasback-redheads-scaup-coot-rudy-and now sure what elese there was out there...it has been a good visit here...
I bet if you sent them a letter they would send you a stamp. Ummmm... fresh shrimp!