ok this is what we got up to this morning...snow on the ground!!!! but i guess it is nov 1st so it is about time we got some...
;last night our group visited roy and carol for a surprise retirement/lay off party..roy is now retired but first he had to be laid off so we were just celebrating it all...what better night than halloween to do it..of course we all went in costume and brought just the right snacks to share for the occasion...when we were on our way out last night it started to snow and it was the nice big flakes but had stopped by the time we went home...but this morning there was snow on the ground...oh it won't last long..
things around here are in the getting ready for the winter weather to set in..trying to get all outside jobs/chores caught up --like drain the hose to the barn-leaves and more leaves taken care of--plant some last minute grass seed-and of course the list goes on and on..just when we thing it might be done one of us thinks of another thing that needs to be done..
lar has done some duck/goose hunting but not as much as he would like to be doing..4 turkeys have gotten in the freezer and alreay eaten-3 geese so far..we are also watching several deer some to the scrub pear tree and fill their tummy with pears...we have seen a couple of bucks and a doe with 2 teenagers with her...have heard of only one neighbor who has gotten a doe with his bow but the season is young...
so i guess things are in a normal fashion here in enfield..and it won't be long before we have to load up the rig to head south...we are tryingto dfecide where we want to go after we finish the build in mason , tx--maybe colorado and visit some more national parks before heading back east...and back to the old grind again..sure is a circle..
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