Sunday, November 28, 2010


yes I made that!!!!! go figure...our church has a mission shawl group and they make shawl for those who have been sick-just need a wee bit of a pick me up- or who ever the group thinks needs some warmth and love...

i haven't crocheted in maybe 15-20 yrs and thought i can do that again and it would give me something to do while watching tv (football games) a couple iof weeks agao i talked to one of th group about patterns and was given a when we got home i went to my box of yarn (yep i still had some it dosen't spoil) and i thought i had enough to tackle a i read and read the directions several times and said to myself i can do i started...ripped it out several times and then began to think NO way do i remember how to do this...but i continued to try and low and behold it started to come together and look like something....i know that there are probally mistakes in it but i didn't see them and took it to church this morning to give to the ladies in charge of the mission..and can you believe i have now even started on a second one...

so i guess it is not too late to pick up something you might have done many years ago and start doing it again...i just thought while traveling around maybe i could crochet while riding (not sure as i do get nauseated while reading) and do something will be worth a try..if not while riding i can work on it while watching tv in the evening unless something else is going on...maybe even around a camp fire....

so this has been my sunday thing tpo do while watching football...(also the rest of the week in the evening..

so it is now time to go to some more on the second is sunday and football will be on soon...

Friday, November 26, 2010


our day started off like most thanksgiving days...lar up and out early for the hunt (oh NO deer) and for me it was time to get up and tend to the turkey...made the stuffing/dressing-and all the others food that goes with the then it s time for a shower and change clothes...friends started to arrive around 1:30 give or take some of the different things about yesterday was that we ate in the house and didn't go out to the barn like we have for many years (oh i don't even remember when we started that)...we had only 8 extras for dinner and with us there were 10....

so another thanksgiving dinner has been prepared and eaten now for the leftovers (which i like better) it is also time to start to think about next year but first i guess we have to enjoy christmas and go SOUTH for the winter before -planning thanksgiving it is a whole year why rush it ahahha...

some of you may have gotten up early to go shopping and find the best deals on what ever you are looking for but for me i stayed in bed...sure don't want to fight the crowds and i don't think anything is on sale that we have to have..haha besides i don't really know what is on sale to even know if i need/want it...

celebrating thanksgiving gives us a chance to be thankful for family-friends-and all the rest ...getting up in the morning i say thank you to god that i am able to enjoy another day and what ever it has in store for get on with the day and be thankful

Sunday, November 21, 2010


yesterday was opening day of deer season here in NY...our old dear friends fom the norht country came down like they ahve for several years...up and out early in the morning they went (me i stayed in bed to keep the home fires going hahaha)...back in for lunch at lunch was had and off they went again..i then went to my project of crocheting (yes christine that is what i said crocheting!!!!!)--( i am working on a shawl for the missions at church)...anyway as i was in the living room doing my thing and in comes larry huffing and puffing...i ask what's the matter and he says it is a long i knew something was up...he then starts to tell me the story that he saw this deer that was struggling to walk and another deer was with it so he thought that he ought to put the injured one down so he shot only to find out that he hit the wrong deer...and then had to find the other one to shoot it so it wasn't suffering any now he has 2 deer --oh they were legal as he had tags for them was decided to give one of them to our friendsso they could have some meat to take home...

off to the butcher we went after they wer cleaned up a bit...

this morning ellie decided to sleep in and as we were enjoying a quiet breakfast we saw 4 deer in the back yard...we both could have gotten our guns and shot at them but we didn't want to..figured we let the men do that

i guess we won't starve the winter as there will be some vension in the freezer and the season is young and there are still tags to be filled...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


yesterday our house was not very some of you know we lost a good friend and family member..his name was MITCH...he and larry did there regular thing the night before and that was to take a walk before bed time...he did his usuall thing of chasing the deer out of the back yard then they continued on there way out for him to do his nightly poop...which he did by going down into the hedge row --sometimes he likes to take a wee bit longer and he sniffs then follows what ever it is and decided to come back to the house later...we just wait the extra 1/2 or so while he does his own thing...but the night before he must have decided to take a different route as he didn't come back..we both got up several times in the night to let him he but he still wasn't back by morning...we both had an awful feeling that something was a wrong cause it just wasn't like him not to come back......well it was...lar found him by the side of the road apparently he had been hit by a vehicle..NO ONE stopped to let us know and he had a name tag on least we now know what had happened to him and why he didn't come back home...he is now back home buried up above the house near the pond overlooking the property....mitch was a great friend and family member he just fit right into our schedule--he never asked for a thing and was happy when he got a reward of a bisquit-bone-toy and even just a pat on the top of his head...hw will be missed ..

so now we start another chapter in our lives with the hopes that the void will be filled

Friday, November 5, 2010


yesterday it was raining out and i didn't really have anything on the schedule clear so i thought why not clean house..i needed to vacuum up most of mitch's dog hair...after breakfast i started by getting out the vacuum and started with our bedroom then the bathroom..then of course the phone rings i don't really remember who it was but after a 1/2 hr it was time to go back to vacuuming...then conversation which took about another hr or more but it was good seeing him as we had stopped to day before and no one was home...

about this time it is time for lunch so we partook of that chore filling our bellies...back to the vacuum-mop-broom i the kitchen taked care of and the floor mopped about then it was 2pm...time to think about getting dinner in the the vacuum just stood still for awhile...while i put dinner together as we wanted to eat around 4:30 (we needed to watch a movie before lar went to the fire house for the monthly meeting) the movie was a waste of time in my opinion "The book of eli" don't recommend it...

anyway back to the vacuum and still i'm not even half way thru the house..oh well i guess i might just finish it another day..

i do wonder why i takes more than one day to finish a job/chore...way too many distractions ahahah..and i think i'm getting older and can't do as much as i once used to ahahahah...i think it is the distractions...but life is good and we are happy and that's all that counts today...

so today is another day of rain but i have other things to do rather than finish cleaning the house it can wait for another day ...

Monday, November 1, 2010


ok this is what we got up to this morning...snow on the ground!!!! but i guess it is nov 1st so it is about time we got some...

;last night our group visited roy and carol for a surprise retirement/lay off party..roy is now retired but first he had to be laid off so we were just celebrating it all...what better night than halloween to do it..of course we all went in costume and brought just the right snacks to share for the occasion...when we were on our way out last night it started to snow and it was the nice big flakes but had stopped by the time we went home...but this morning there was snow on the ground...oh it won't last long..

things around here are in the getting ready for the winter weather to set in..trying to get all outside jobs/chores caught up --like drain the hose to the barn-leaves and more leaves taken care of--plant some last minute grass seed-and of course the list goes on and on..just when we thing it might be done one of us thinks of another thing that needs to be done..

lar has done some duck/goose hunting but not as much as he would like to be doing..4 turkeys have gotten in the freezer and alreay eaten-3 geese so far..we are also watching several deer some to the scrub pear tree and fill their tummy with pears...we have seen a couple of bucks and a doe with 2 teenagers with her...have heard of only one neighbor who has gotten a doe with his bow but the season is young...

so i guess things are in a normal fashion here in enfield..and it won't be long before we have to load up the rig to head south...we are tryingto dfecide where we want to go after we finish the build in mason , tx--maybe colorado and visit some more national parks before heading back east...and back to the old grind again..sure is a circle..