yesterday found us going to 2 more nationa; parks the first one was the johnstown flood back in 1889..where a dam broke and took 2,2009 people with it...there had bee warnings but the residents just didn't listen or the line of communicaton was't like is it today--none the less the warning were't listened to...the flood wiped out sevferal small towns along the way but the most famous town was johnstown...heard the history of the place..
then several miles away was the alleghany trail portage park..we knew nothing about the place but soon found more about it..it was started as a canal across pa. designed after our famous erie canal..but in pa there are the alleghany mts which needed to be crossed..so some smart person said lets bring the canal bpats so far then put them on a train to take them over the mts which they did..it was quite a feat to do...then when it was finally finished and some boats were taken up and over the mts with rope and the rope broke on some of the boats --again someone said why not use chain so they did for awhile..in the mean time there was someone else making bigger and better trains so instead of the boats gong along the canal then up and over the mts by train it was decided to use oly train..so the canal boats in pa were out of business...oh well progress is our most important product so we think...anyway again most interesting and we spent 2 1/2 hrs...oh i even got another junior ranger patch..so i'm happy...
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