as you can see the winter squash have taken over the garden..climbe up the 4 foot fence surrounding the garden..gone out into the lawn where i mow and are just about every where...i don't dare walk into the patch as i don't want to crush what i don't see...it appears that we are going to have a good crop of squash...the ones that are on the outside of the fence the deer might just eat and i'm not sure what to do about that as if i move the vines i might break them...so we will just wait till it is time to harvest them..
we have been busy trying to get caught up with projects..the rig has been over to the local rv person oh no nothing serious..needed an inspection and lar wanted the brakes looked at and possibly replaced due to the miles we but on them this past winter......
early goose season is fast approaching...lar will get in a few days before we take off for kour sept adventure...heading to kentucky to visit brother doug and help celebrate his birthday...we have a few stops along the way we want to do..like the dayton air museum in dayton ohio and visit a old high school friend of lar's that lives in ohio...the plan is to be back the last week in sept...or so..
have seen a few deers out back as a matter of fact the other day while mowing the lawn i had a deer not to far away (i'm not a good person to judge distance) she seemed close and we just looked at each other for what seemed like a long tme...then off she went and i had to finish mowing the lawn darn...
some of you know that i've had cataract surgery first the left then this week the right..so far i think i am happy...vision is much cleared and brighter in both..i will need glasses for reading but that also isn't clear right now as it has only been a week for one and a day for the other..time will tell...very easy surgery and i don't remember a thing...lar even has had a laugh or 2 with some things i've said and repeated..but i don't remember so life is good...
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