my peonies are all a bloom and there are many more than last year....these are peonies that i dug up from my mothers several years ago when we were getting ready for an auction...i have always like peonies and have never been able to grow any till now so that makesme happy...
the garden isn't showing much action in it..the sets like tomatoes-peppers-eggplant seem to be doong just fine but the seeds that i put in don't seem to wanting to poke their heads thru the soil...we have had planety of rain and some warm weather but still nop sction...it has been a week..maybe i just getting anxious for some fresh stuff...
still lots to get caught up and still haven't cut--hauled any wood yet been way too hot..but today lar is out in the barn checking the chain saws and the rest of the equipment to make sure it all works and is ready to go when we are ready...
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