Tuesday, June 22, 2010


first i'll explain about the bell...when we were in kingsbury, calif and lar was walking mitch he found the bell and it had no handle..so we both thought of my brother dan who is an artist wood turner so what better person is there than dan to make us a handle for the new bell..anyway new to us..so in the rig it went till wwe got home and asked dan to do it...as you see the bell has a new handle..now when i need lar and he is in the barn all i have to do is ring the bell and he'll come a running hahahahahah to see what i want... of course don't know any of the history of the bell and you know lar can make up a good story about it...but we have it and it has a handle

this past weekend we went north to watertown to give lisa and andy their christmas present...a new shed..they have bought a used house trailer and we thought they are going to need a shed as most trailers don't have alot of storage space...so we asked them if that is what they might want and they both thought it was a good idea...shopping for it on friday before they took us out to dinner then on sat off to lowe's to buy it...it is 10x14...sat was spent making the foundation for it and starting following directions on how to put it up...we were rained off about time to eat dinner and of course after we were done it had stopped so we could go start the walls..then it was soooo dark we couldn't see any more...sunday both lisa and andy had to work so lar and i started about 7:30 to hope to finish it --we worked till about 2 and decided that it was time to head back to ithaca...now all andy has to do is plut 6 roof panels on it and a few small finishing jobs on it and they ahve a storage shed...by the weekend it probally will be full....

can you believe that july is almost here and before long it will be time to go back to school for some...then it will be time to be on the road for the part of sept...

hope all's well with all

Friday, June 18, 2010


yesterday was a biking adventure..according to my odometer we biked 17 miles but everyone else'a said only about 12 so i think mine might be wrong but i think i rode the 17 or my rear end feels it haha..and a good ride it was there were 8 of us...

our friend frank who is a gadget person brought along his hand held GPS so we could also look for geocach along the way...he had done th research on line before so he knew where they were by following his gps...we found 3...if you don't know what it is go to the web site geocaching and it will tell you all about it...it is just really modern day treasure hunting with clues etc..kinda fun...almost like =getting a national park stamp when you find one..you just add it to your number of finds like a stamp in the book makes you feel good when you get another stap like finding a treasure ...

then of course after the ride it was time for ice cream so on to watkins glenn for a tasty treat..now we are planning the next ride..to syracuse and ride on the eric canal then to the dinosaur restaurant in syracuse for lunch/dinner depends on waht time we get thru...lynn thinks we ought to go for both lunch and dinner...nd ride in between ahahahah..thi wil all depend on everyones schedule of summer activities...time to go exercise..

Sunday, June 13, 2010


i don't know about the rest of you but we have been busy still trying to at home...still don't have any new wood on the back porch but that is anlother story...we moved what we had on the porch because we needed to get a new tarp to cover the wood so we moved the old stuff only to find that the porch had sunk some and needed some repair work done to it before we piled up this years supple...so yesterday we mixed (i was the mixer) 25 bags of cement and lar poiured it on the porch..now he is thinking of doing the opther hald but we then have to move the wood again to the other side...visious little circle...but we are thankfull we can still do the work..our bodies aren't so sure but our minds tell us we can so we did...

lawn still needs mowing about every 5 days and like roy we are waiting til july and the lawn turns brown hahahahaha andwon't have to be mowed so often..only top the weeds...

next weekend we are going to go up to lisa's for the weekend..the plan is to buy them a shed and put it up...they have moved into a trailer that was given to them and have run out of room so we thought an early christmas present...we haven't seen them since we returned home so that is also another reaason why we are going up for a visit...

sp all's well here at the home front...

Saturday, June 5, 2010


my peonies are all a bloom and there are many more than last year....these are peonies that i dug up from my mothers several years ago when we were getting ready for an auction...i have always like peonies and have never been able to grow any till now so that makesme happy...

the garden isn't showing much action in it..the sets like tomatoes-peppers-eggplant seem to be doong just fine but the seeds that i put in don't seem to wanting to poke their heads thru the soil...we have had planety of rain and some warm weather but still nop sction...it has been a week..maybe i just getting anxious for some fresh stuff...

still lots to get caught up and still haven't cut--hauled any wood yet been way too hot..but today lar is out in the barn checking the chain saws and the rest of the equipment to make sure it all works and is ready to go when we are ready...



last night we went out to dinner with our friends roy and carol..they are our care takers while we are away traveling ...so we feel like we ought totake them out to dinner as a pay back for what they do for us while we are away..so last night was the night..we went to pick them u and roy sais we had to come inside to see a surprise...and have a glass of wine before we went out...walking in we never saw what was sittig at their dining room table untill roy said look who came for cocktails...low and behold it was a buck.....he was very quiet and didn't drink toooo much good thing as he would have drank all the wine and beer...

ok now to let you know exactly why he was at the table..their son tyler shot this deer this past hunting seadon and roy had to go pick up the mount...

then out to dinner went without the buck...