first i'll explain about the bell...when we were in kingsbury, calif and lar was walking mitch he found the bell and it had no handle..so we both thought of my brother dan who is an artist wood turner so what better person is there than dan to make us a handle for the new bell..anyway new to us..so in the rig it went till wwe got home and asked dan to do it...as you see the bell has a new handle..now when i need lar and he is in the barn all i have to do is ring the bell and he'll come a running hahahahahah to see what i want... of course don't know any of the history of the bell and you know lar can make up a good story about it...but we have it and it has a handle
this past weekend we went north to watertown to give lisa and andy their christmas present...a new shed..they have bought a used house trailer and we thought they are going to need a shed as most trailers don't have alot of storage space...so we asked them if that is what they might want and they both thought it was a good idea...shopping for it on friday before they took us out to dinner then on sat off to lowe's to buy it...it is 10x14...sat was spent making the foundation for it and starting following directions on how to put it up...we were rained off about time to eat dinner and of course after we were done it had stopped so we could go start the walls..then it was soooo dark we couldn't see any more...sunday both lisa and andy had to work so lar and i started about 7:30 to hope to finish it --we worked till about 2 and decided that it was time to head back to ithaca...now all andy has to do is plut 6 roof panels on it and a few small finishing jobs on it and they ahve a storage shed...by the weekend it probally will be full....
can you believe that july is almost here and before long it will be time to go back to school for some...then it will be time to be on the road for the part of sept...
hope all's well with all