wwe are ow in austin,tx and will be here a few days visiting mat and lindsay.. it has been an uneventful adventure so far but as you know with us it is always subject to change..ahhaha...

today we went to the habitat site where we thought we might be working got there early 7:45 and waited till 9am to make a call only to find out that they are now working in south austin so away we went to the job site arrived in time for coffee break around 10am....we ere given a few jobsto do but nothing we couldn't handle a we bit of painting and putting up a shower curtain rod...lunch time and back to painting got the job done and we left around 2:30 ...the traffic in and around austin is something to behold...very busy and we aren't sure where everyone is going to or from..the highway soming and going was very busy and the traffic got backed up..ugh we just aren't used to that kinda of traffic again ugh...habitat only works 3 days a week wed-fri-sat we will onky work 2 days and leave the weekend free to do things with matt and lindsay...
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