this morning is the coldest it has been all fall so far..it got down to 25 and a heavy frost on the ground...glad we have everything out of the garden..
yesterday after church we hitched up the tractor and went to the woods to get a final load off fire wood..this one is not for the house but to have a bon-fire at thanksgiving..(hope it isn't in the middle of a snow storm)...the last few years at turkey time we have had one and the kids seem to enjoy it..something different..not to many people have them this time of year unless you are in the south...
lar is out again in the woods looking for turkeys..he sure wonders where they have all gone as we were seeing so many before the season started--must be they know and are hiding..still seeing lots of deer came and eat the fallen apples and pears..mostly does but that is ok...
another busy week is ahead of us-with banquets-meetings-meetings-meetings..it seems like the meetings have increased now that lar got himself elected to the republican committee but that he knew when he decided to run now that he won he has more meetings to attend that he likes..oh then there is a fun raiser this weekend called a spaghetti dinner which he has to help out at..(oh i guess i do also-make a pie or 2)...
so life goes on here at 464 enfield ctr rd...
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