HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!today it the last day of oct and again where did this month go too...i sure don't know..i look at our book and i can see that almost everyday in oct we had something scheduled..may just an hr activity but something...i thought retirement was suppose to be relaxing ahahhaah..
now that nov is tomorrow it is time to really think of thanksgiving and keep watch in the papers for turkey sales.(there no wild ones in this house yet)..i just went out and there was a deer eating apples so hopefully there will be fresh venison for the freezer but sure don't want to count deer till they are hung up and on their way to the butcher...
also don't forget to go vote on tues nov 3..and may the right person win in the position that are running for...here in enfield it is crazy especially since lar got involved in the republican committee...my thinking is that is it almost time to get out of town..way to much going on..there is some negative comments and that is one thing lar is trying to do away with..now whay can't people just work together for the betterment of the town rather than be and each other throats...i sure don't know but i guess that has been going on since there were parties..and not the beer drinking kind but political ones...so just a few more days then we will find out who is going to run the town for another 2 yrs...lets hope for the right ones...
just about 2 mths and it will be time to hook up the rig and drive out of town heading south..amen somedays i'm ready and then there are others that i think will i ever be ready..need to get thru thanksgiving first then think about heading south...
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
12 hours ago