finally after many days of rain-fog-damp-spring like weather we have had a day of sun...now it is suppose to get HOT then we will complain about it being too hot..but i guess that is living in upstate NY..so yesterday we spent most of the day in the garden weeding ugh but it look great this morning so the work is showing off..not an awful lot has gone on around here since the last time i blogged (still haven't figured out about including pictures)..we did go on our canoe/kayaking adventure and back home one of the wives got since and had to be admitted into the hospital but she is home now recovering from gall bladder surgery..
this weekend we are heading north to westport,NY to attend a nephew's daughter graduation party and to visit with family/friends but our plan is to go visit lisa/andy/rj and shasta first as we can make it one our way...a wee bit out of the way but we haven't seen them since we returned home this spring...
so i guess all's well here at 464 enfield ctr rd e which is good..soon we will have to start packing for hawaii as that trip is not to far off...
can you believe that the picture worked this morning and i don't know why but it did now i will explain about it...the other day via ups this package arrive and it was from my sister sylvina who lives in michigan..she had put in BIG letters don't open till JUNE 29..if any of you really know me you can't put a package in front of me then say don't open it cause i will unless lar hides it or i don't see it..inside was this beautiful quilt made by her for us also pillow shams a bag with my name on it along with bags for my sister-in-law and my other sister that we will deliver...(if any on you have seen mitch's quilt that my sister made fro him anyway it has the same pattern and colors in it)..i guess mitch's quilt was the trail/practice one..
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