it sure has been a busy weekend...yesterday w
e went kyaking with friends who brought 3 kyakas with them and one was for 2 so that is the one we used...had a great time we even were with the manatees...several of them were where we were..never got close enough to touch one but it sure was exciting...then we met some of the others for dinner...also some of the group have moved on ...today we did another 20 miler..finished the van fleet state park trail it is 30 miles long and it took us 3 days to complete it as we did 10 which turned in to 20 3 times..but it is a good feeloing to have finished thee trail...the sun was out and it was a perfect day for a bike ride we saw gators again this weekend..and one was a big one i did not see it but a couple of the others did...we were biking in a swamp that dosen't have much water in it...hear a bunch of sand hill cranes but never saw them..so tomorrow we start all over again with working...alls well...

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