yep it has been awhile since I last posted not because I didn't want to but the Wi-Fi we had wouldn't let me...oh well so much for Wi-Fi..
since I last posted we have spent a month in summerdale , Alabama which is just around the corner from foley...we were surprised one afternoon when we got an e-mail from some old habitat friends who were there for a few days..we had a fun time with them they are big bikers (not mororcycles but bikes) most days we were biking somewhere...and of course eating out...
we also volunteered at the restore and got some of their shelves in good order (bet they aren't like that today)...habitat had wanted to start a house in january but due to funding they had to wait till last on sat we spent the day at the house along with 60 others volunteers..there were several high school groups and they are always fun to work with...we spent most of our time clearing brush around the property...lar was in his glory entertaining the girls ahahahah and of course singing..
we left Alabama on Monday and we are now in lousiana and waiting out a storm...drove in some horrible rain and thought of pulling over but lar just took his time and we finally drove out of it after a couple of hrs...we are now in breaux bridge where we have camped before because we are kinda by tyler barrier and wanted to have dinner with I'm last night..he is working for the wildlife and fisheries at a wildlife refuge....of course they both wanted crawfish so that is what they had...good seeing him and catching up with what has been going on with him..
today we are staying put as the news is advising not to travel due to some severs storms coming we are staying put...lar needs to work on the taxes and I've got little things to do like blog ahahha
so life is good and all's well here in Cajun country...
mardi gras parade in the campground
frame day in alabama
coffee break
crawfish fest
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
12 hours ago