yesterday while eating lunch lar shouts out look out the window and there was a mama wood duck and 6 babies sneaking across the back some might know our yard she was very close to the apple tree...we watched her for a wee bit and i said where's a camera when you need one..oh lar says right in front of you on the he picks one up and opens the back door very slowly and quietly goes out on the porch and snaps a couple of pictures....
then a couple of weeks ago we had a mama turkey and a pheasant in the back yard at the same time checking each other out..then this week i was working in the garden and heard a swish above my head only to look up to see the turkey coasting over the garden...landed on the other side and took a walk in into the woods...we think she must have a brood some where near by as we have seen hr often of course we have no idea where or even if we just think it...
so life in the country sure can be entertaining at times....
then with a new app tyler helped us load on to the tablet we found out what this bird was that we found in the oven bird...the name of the app it called "merlin" you can find birds hear sounds etc and the best part is that is is FREE
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
12 hours ago