we are finally home after 3 months on the road...we got out of town and january 3 and believe it or not we drove back in the driveway apr 3...so that is a total of 3 mths away...we had a good winter wetter than usuall but didn't hurt us to bad..we were n't able to ride our bikes as much as we would hve liked to but we did ride in alabama which was good...
visited lots of interesting places and got several junior ranger badges..visited with logts of family and friends along the way and even did some habitat buikding...one 2 week build in dade city and then while in foley alabama we found a local habitat that only works 3 days a week..so we gave them a day..they would like to be able to have a car-a-van build but the campgrounds in the area wokn't give them a break and they are thinking of building their own with maybe 10 spaces all this is in the thinking/developing stages..
we got back in time for easter and went to the sunrise service on cayuga lake..looked out our window easter morning and it was covered with some white stuff so we could see if the easter bunny was here..saw no traacks so i guess he missed us...church then off to my sister s for dinner...had a great time with family...
now it is back to the old grind again and the calendar is filling up with stuff to do...
it is good to be back and life goes on
life is good...god bless
easter morning and no easter bunny tracks can be seen
our famous falls in our area
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
11 hours ago