Saturday, November 29, 2014


 this year we did something different for thanksgiving...our granddaughter now works as a cook/chef for the salvation army in watertown and we decided in order to have a family holiday together it made sense for us to go to watertown and help out serving dinner we did exactly that...

arrived on wed and of course it was late in the day so all the prep work had already been done but we needed to report at 8 the next morning to get our assignments...arrived on time and was told we had to put on those beautiful hats (next time we will wear baseball caps) to the kitchen we went first to help make a fruit salad when that was done lar started doing dishes and i started to help cut up the turkey that had been cooked the day before..between 25 and 30 had beeen cooked...lots of hands making mashed potatoes--gravy---squash--cutting pies and  cakes...lots of stuff needing to be done in time to start serving at 11...

as most of you know when preparing a big dinner the worry is that will it all be ready on time...and of course it always is...not sure how many were served  but last year it was 500...we thought that the ones who came to eat were to go thru a buffet line but no they sat done and were asked by servers what they wanted just like in a restaurant....i think there must have been over 50 or more people who came to help and it worked well...they also do take out dinners and deliver to those who can't get out and at time there were close to 100 of those dinners that were delivered with the phone still ringing so not sure how many were delivered..

the salvation had also gotten alot of donated food that those who wanted could it was a good day..

on friday prisoners from the local jail come to finish the cleaning up mopping floors--taking the tables and chairs down so all in all it is a community event..

we were glad we were part of it..

but guess what NO LEFTOVERS FOR US SO NO TURKEY SANDWICH...oh well that is ok..

life is good..

hope you all had an enjoyable holiday..

Saturday, November 15, 2014


as some of you know this is the opening day of 2014 deer season with the gun...lar has been out for 2 weeks with his new crossbow and shot on one the last day yesterday but did not connect...

so today he was up bright and early or i should really say it was still dark at 3:30 but he had things to do to get ready not sure what but man things....our friends from the north country are here so it was time to make breakfast and prepare for the morning hunt and discuss where everyone wanted to be in their lucky spots...lar went out back to where there is an old manure spreader..

around 7:20 he shot and got a nice 6 back to the house he came to get me to take me for a ride in the bulldog to get back to the house....ellie and willis saw several deer but did not get any shots at any...they also saw the big buck that roams around in our mile square...but just watched to old boy..

as  you can tell we have snow on the ground but it isn't gong to last unless we get some more tonight  it will be off to the butcher to have it cut up then in a couple of days we will wrap it..

so it appears we won't go hungry this winter and life is good..