Tuesday, June 24, 2014


last week we had visitors from wisconsin--florida...why you might asked 2 states..well they have a home in florida and a rig in wisconsin and were passing thru on their way to maine where they are going to be working at the KOA in bar harbour  for the summer...they arrived tues  but had had a problem in the way called a flat tire on the rig after getting that fixed and another new tire they decided not to push on the enfield but found a KOA enroute to sit back and unwind...can't blame them been there done that..

then lar and i met them on the outskirts of ithaca and tom and lar went to a tire store to get 2 more new tires and christine and i headed to enfield....then on the way up one of our hills the truck started to over heat and both tom and lar looked at each other and said that's not good...after getting to 464 and they had callled the local chevy dealer  they unhooked and took the truck over to trumansburg where it was diagnosed with a radiator problem...so it stayed there for a couple more days while they flushed it out and fixed the problem...but in the mean time we also had other habitat friends coming for dinner tues afternoon..good seeing them all...

so we just kinda hung out around ithaca  for the next 2 days waiting for the truck ;to get fixed...so off we went to the ithaca beer company--(of course we had a had a beer)...then to the famous "QUILT STORE" which is one of the top 10 in the northeast...and NO christine didn't buy 1 thing ..oh she found lots she would have liked but sat on her pocketbook ahhahahaah..

a trip to the falls especaily since we had had a hard heavy rain the night before so the fall were just a rolling which make it more interesting to see...finally they got the truck back and were on their way by thursday and are now in maine..

so we had a great visit with them and also therese-jon-and don...

life in good in the country

Monday, June 9, 2014


 4 years ago we first started seeing a male pheasant come  to our bird feeder and we think it has been the same one each year this year he has brought a female along with him and we have watched them all spring ..for the last couple of weeks we have only seen her once or twice so we are hoping she is sitting on a nest..he comes the the tree almost everyday by 5am and  crows and cackles of course to wake us up and he does a good job..

last night we got over 2 inches of rain so today was a day for inside jobs like clean house hahaha...finally i got a chance to sit down at the computer and lar was at the dinning room table looking at the mail..all of a sudden he says tracy  come quickly and quietly so i tried ...there under the tree was a fawn and it's  mama...by the time lar got his camera out and ready to take a picture they had decided to walk to the woods..lar's first for the spring but my second fawn to see..oh it is always exciting to see the wee little ones...

so a quiet day in the country has turned out to be rather exciting..

what better way to spend a rainy day inside..watching wildlife in the back yard..

liffe in good in the country