Thursday, May 15, 2014


well he has gotten the second turkey of this spring he has 2 more to go...if he had gotten the 2 he missed then he would be all done amen...

we have a pheasant that comes to the feeder every morning by 4:30--5:00 and squaks and carries on like an alarm clock but i don't need to get up at the hour or even wake up but he insists so i am up early...

garden is all reay to plant but we want to wait till the threat of cold weather passes maybe next week..if also has to stop raining...more on it's way later today and tomorrow...

trees are finally blooming and look great but i must say the apple trees don't seem to have may blossoms so we are thinking that the cool weater we got shortly after we got home might have done a job on them..last year we had a bumper crop and the deer were well fed..looks like thisyear we will be lucky to get any..

just the way nature works..


Saturday, May 3, 2014


as most of you know we have to be home by may 1st cause that is the opening day of spring turkey season...and the old boy dosen't want to miss that...he went out on the first and missed one..the second day he heard a couple ..but today he was back home by 7 with a big bird 21 lbs so he is a happy man..and if he is happy so am i...he has a couple more tags to fill and he may sleep in tomorrow..this getting up at 3:30am is almost for the birds...oh he is quiet but i still wake up...

life is still good

Friday, May 2, 2014


after we got home and filled our bird feeders we wonder why one of them was empty all the time...we had an idea but wasn't sure..maybe  the wind???maybe a critter was getting into it and yep that was it

ought to be well fed for this years hunt...


ok i am going to try to post a picture