our house is now quiet and there is just the two of us running around in it...the family started to arrive on sun afternoon and continued until tues evening..so we all had had a couple of days of fun before the last arrived...it was the first time we a had all been together since 2006 and lisa like a kid in a candy store and you told her that she could have all she wanted..why was she excited will it was because all her kids were here so she was a happy "teenager" ahhaha...it made for some hetic times but over all it was fun to have everyone here...
andy and lisa brought a HUGE pan of lasagna which was enough to feed an army....then we had all the trimmings of a Christmas dinner so if anyone went away hungry it was their own fault...

the family---then the whole family---an reenactment of a picture we took when the g/kids were all under 10