yesterday was a travel day and some of it was in rain --we did not have to take donw in the rain nor set up which we are glad of ..
took a ride to check out where we wanted to go to today so this morning off we went to the capital of Kentucky...had a really good guide who took her time and it sure wasn't like when we went thru the one in Jackson, ms--that one we felt we were on the run...
after which we were told of a candy factory that gave tours so why not..a small factory but interesting..
also on our plan of activities was to go to the buffalo trace distillery...and can you believe that we had another great tour guide and his name was Freddie...learnt a lot more about making bourbon..also never gave it a thought but if someone is allergic to wheat-cokrn then they shouldn't be drinking bourbon as that is what is used to make it...Freddie was very informative and had lots of stories to tell us about the place and area...
all in all we had a good day and tomorrow on the move again...heading toward Columbus, ohio with the hope of visiting another state capital..most of the capitals so far have a lot of the same but then again each one is a tad different...