Friday, December 28, 2012


 for christmas my brother who is a wood turner made me a very special bowl...when he gave it to me i wasn't sure exactly what to use it for as it had a hole near the top of it...he then explained to me what i was to use it this morning i put it to use..and it worked just great... it did what it was suppose to do....

some of you who read this probally know what the bowl was to be used for now i know and i like it...

he also tole me when i use it i am to think of our sister who passed away... the reason for that is that when she learnt that i could crochett she asked me if i would make her a chemp beanie..she had lost her hair andwanted to keep her head of course i made her several and though why not for others who needed a warm far i have made over 500 and take them to oncologist office for them to give out to their patients for are in need of a warm head...

Thursday, December 27, 2012


as probally most of you heard on the news over the last couple of days the northeast was suppose to get hit with a really big snow storm...well it started around  3 yesterday (wed) afternoon and snowed all night...lar had a 8:30 dr's appt so we were up at 6 to shovel and blow out the driveway..of course we had to measure first and the yard stick snowed about 10 in not as must as we were being told we would get but enough to make everything white...some places got more than we did and we are happy that we got what we did...

haven't heard from lisa to hear how much they got in the north country but more than we did i'm sure

our christmas was white but only with the ground slightly covered not enough to really go out and play in it like sled down the hill...we had a fun filled christmas and like usuall it was good to be with lisa and family...

we are going to go back to visit lar's mom probally for one last time as she is really beginning to fail...

then we need to start getting our acts together and back the rig to start south..this year there has been way to many things  to think about and do to even start..maybe this coming week we can get our selves in gear..

hope    everyone  has a  JOYOUS NEW YEAR WHERE HAS 2012 GONE??????

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


now that turkey day is over it is now time to think about CHRISTMAS which is just around the corner...we have made a trip to michigan to attend my sister's memorial service which was very was good to see stu (husband) jessica (daughter) and andy (son) has been very hard on them but they have each other for support and they of course know we are here and ready to help out in any way we can..

thanksgiving with lisa was fun and short..lots of laughs and farckle (dice game) also good food but then i'm the cook ahhaah...

yesterday lar went out to hunt as he hadn't been able to in several days due to dr's appt and our trip...i was talking to a friend from maryland when i saw lar walk across the lawn holding a my first clue was that he had gotten another deer...yep he got a good size doe..

so right now it appears that we are set for vension for the winter..and won't starve ahahha..