yesterday (tues) found us going over to cortland to meet our newest great nephew...justin and lorraine from calif were in town visiting for the holidays and unless we made a trip out to visit it would be awhile till we met him...and a fine boy he is...in the pictures are his proud parents and KONOAN is with his aunt danielle...as a matter of facty when we first walked in th door and i had not even taken my coat off he came right to me now don't you just think he got points on that one...a very happy content baby...we were there for several hrs and he never made a peep...not even a whimper....
grandmother lorraine made a pot of chilli that was very good and the family had lots laughs and of course talked about many things and stuff that has happened over all these years,,...
the holidays are winding down a wee bit...still a new years eve gathering to go too then pack and get out of the north country ahhahahaha...