Friday, November 25, 2011


what a wonderful day it was...NO SNOW nor wind nor rain nor sleet ...just a perfect weather day>>>> not only for day but to enjoy family and friends and be thankful for all that we have and that we can be together

each one of the turkey was delicious and done to perfection (that's my opinion) you can see the garbage turkey is getting ready to have the can put on top of it and then a couple hrs later it is ready to carve and eat...lots of good food so no one left hungry that i know off if they did then it was their fault..

lar and i decided that this would be the last thanksgiving in the barn as we are getting older and sometimes the fun part has turned into work..we just hope that the younger ones will take over as it is a nice tradition for families..time will tell..

Sunday, November 20, 2011


yesterday was opening day of gun deer season and you know who was up and out bright and early along with friends who come to they went to the woods in search for some deer...

now for me i slept in and got up around 7 or so..looked out the dining room window and there laying in the back yard was a good size doe so i watched her for around 1/2 hr give or take...she finallly left so i thought it was time for a cup of coffee i turn around and there is a buck following in her tracks...he sniffs around and walks back in forth several times till all of a sudden he takes of toward the garden and into the woods...then i notice willis coming around the barn on his way to the out house...and he didn't see it...

around noon they come in for lunch and to tell stories about the morning hunt...will shot twice and lar had shot once both missed the deer they were aiming at...

so now all the stories have been told and their bellies are now full so off they go back for the afternoon hunt...

around 3 lar comes in and asks me can i help him drag a deer...he had scored and gotten a buck a three is the one i saw in the morning it has some long tines so i know for sure that it was the one..

then off to the butcher it went so now we will have vension for the table this winter...

today (sun) is another story no one at this house has seen any deers in the woods...the weather is nice and sure dosen't feel like the middle of november...

so all's well around here..

Friday, November 18, 2011


the turkey season is finally over or lar...oh he has permits for more but it is now time for another hunting seaason..deer opens up tomorrow (sat) so lar is preparing for that...he would like some snow on the ground which we had this morning but it is all gone now...melted as we only had a dusting...

preparing for thanksgiving the turkeys have been bought and are in the freezer (i just have to remember to take them out of the freezer in a couple of days)..tables and chairs have be gotten from the fire house--and the barn floor has been washed and cleaned...right now thre isn't much more to get ready that i can think of...

hope you all have a good thanksgiving and don't eat tooooooo much...oh i know everything tastes sooooo good but then it will take a month to get rid of the extra lbs that you may have put on...ugh...

enjoy the holiday

Monday, November 7, 2011


yesterday afternoon (SUNDAY) we were just looking out to dining room window when lar said oh my look so i did...there was mr. bucky coming thru the back yard and she sure was not in any kinda of hurry...he just took his old sweet time and if there had been any more apples on the ground he would have stopped to eat them...we have seen at least 3 bucks in the back yard...he is 6 we have seen a 7 or 7 and not sure of the other one...we also have at least 6 or 7 does who visit regular...they are helping us keep the apples cleaned up--almost as soon as they fall her they come for lunch snakc or what ever meal they might think it is...

i mowed the lawn today and i do think that it is the last time for this year...i also needed to chop up the leaves that have fallen...still more on the trees so i guess i'll have to wait for them to fall...

lar has been hunting for turkeys no luck for that bird but he has gotten a goose and a duck so the freezer will have something in we won't starve for a day or two ahhaha...

we sure are enjoying this nice weather this past week...getting lots done outside...