2 more weeks and we are on our way to hawaii!!! it just doesn't seem possible after all the planning -checking on line-making reservations-etc but the most important is that we all did decide on where to go and when...i have started laying stuff out on our spare bed..as i think of something i try to remember to put it there....garden is growing good eating zucchini everyday and giving it a way all from 3 plants...potatoes mmmm good...peppers-found a couple of almost red tomatoes yesterday (we thought we might have had that late blight but now i don't think so)..the lawn is growing like it is spring no brown dry spots yet..seattle is breaking all time highs and we are breaking the wettest july on record...so i will be ready for some nice weather ..oh i know it does rain in hawaii but it will be different...hope you all are enjoying your summer as we are...